Camille Virot

Camille Virot was born in 1947 in Franche-Comté. He pursued studies in ceramics at the School of Fine Arts in Besançon, then at the Decorative Arts School in Strasbourg. In 1972, the artist opened a studio in Haute-Provence where he practiced Raku. Since 1976, he has been dividing his time between didactic work (workshops and contributions in art schools) and the pursuit of a personal plastic expression relying on the Japanese Raku’s tradition. As of 1990, he combined other materials with ceramics. In 2018, he was featured among the guests of Avignon’s Parcours de l’Art and presented a much-noticed installation entitled “15 TÊTES & 50 états transitoires” (“15 HEADS & 50 transitory states”) inside the Church of the Célestins.

Camille Virot’s works are featured in numerous museums, FRAC (Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain) and private collections.

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Stoneware. 18cm wide

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