John Maltby

John Maltby (1936 - 2020) has an international reputation as one of Britain’s most distinguished artists. John was born in Lincolnshire, 1936. He studied sculpture at Leicester and at Goldsmith’s College, London. After college John Maltby started out on what was to become a successful career. In 1962 Maltby started working with David Leach at Bovey Tracey. In 1964 he started his own workshop in Devon. Having trained with Leach in the Anglo-Oriental tradition, John realised he had little interest with the ceramic traditions of China, Japan and the East and was more familiar and excited by the creative western Artists - Picasso, Klee, Moore & Nicholson and the primitive Wallis. Therefore his work has gone through several distinct stylistic periods, taking him away from functional pots towards the making of more individual sculptural pieces. He received numerous awards for his work and is a member of the Craftsmen Potters Association of Great Britain, the British Crafts Centre, and is an also advisor to the Leach Archive at the Holbourne Museum in Bath. Sadly John passed away in 2020.

John Maltby is widely represented in a number of public collections. including the V&A in London and other important collections in Edinburgh, Aberystwyth, Belfast, Exeter, Leicester, as well as Europe, Japan and the USA. He has exhibited widely in the UK, Europe and USA.

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‘Ancient King’

‘Ancient King’

Stoneware ceramic and metal sculpture. 45cm tall


Slab vessel

Slab vessel

Stoneware, abstract decoration. 25cm tall.




Stoneware with decoration. 10cm tall


Lidded pot

Lidded pot

Porcelain body, glaze decoration. 9cm wide
