Clive Bowen

Clive produces slip-decorated earthenware pots in a country style, with free-flowing abstract or stylised slip patterns incorporating combing and sgraffito, reflecting a rich Devon tradition. Clive Initially studied painting at Cardiff College of Art, then went on to train as an apprentice with Michael Leach at the Yelland Pottery. He also worked alongside Michael Cardew at Wenford Bridge, before setting up his own pottery in North Devon.

Clive is highly regarded as one of Britain’s finest studio potters and his work is widely exhibited both in the UK and abroad.

Public collections include: Victoria and Albert Museum, London; National Museum of Wales; Ulster Museum; Northern Ireland, Crafts Council Collection, London; York City Art Gallery; Stoke on Trent City Museum; Winnipeg Art Gallery, Canada; Mingeikan, Tokyo; Mashiko Museum of Ceramics, Japan; Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge.

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Lidded pot

Lidded pot

Earthenware body with slip decoration. 13cm high, 9cm wide

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